The curtain has been lifted.

The tarps are off and the soil is looking good. We can’t wait to finally have a garden! Along with doing their job of suffocating all of the weeds and grass, we learned that tarps provide a haven for garter snakes to thrive. Being terrified of snakes, I tried to use this as an opportunity to overcome my fear. I helped pull off the tarps and I staked out the rows. It didn’t happen, and I have now taken to walking yard in the safety of my knee high rainboots (even in +30 weather).

Our row placement was designed based on the JM Fortier market gardening model. The rows are 30 inches wide and separated by an 18 inch wide walkway. Rob got the BCS fired up and used the harrow tool to make the rows.

Rob and his new toy.

Except for some light tilling to incorporate manure and peat and a puncture with the broadfork, this will be the last time these rows see this much mechanical action.


The Garden is Ready for Spring.


Great Guinea Success!!