Growing up.

July = 2023 halfway point = reflection = planning.

With half of 2023 remaining, I took some time to reflect: what have we done so far this year, what is there to do, what is working and what is not. I do this every year, but this year felt particularly satisfying as I was able to spend more time thinking about all that we’ve accomplished over the past 6 months…….

Our second batch of chicks all grown up! They’ve been moved out into pasture and are loving it, despite these cooler temperatures. It is a feeding frenzy every time we move the tractor - they love the fresh grass and whatever else that they can find in there to munch on. Now the brooder is empty and can be cleaned and prepped for spring - no new chicks this year. (Unless I can finally get my hands on some Guinea Fowl!!).

This season we were able to double this operation, and with the demand that we have seen for this second batch of meat birds, the plan is to quadruple it next year.

Our turkeys are old enough now to be let out to roam free. I love watching them pig out on fresh grass and bugs. And I find it interesting how they always seem to track me down wherever I am in the yard (even when I am inside!). We have this operation down pat, and with a structure that can hold hundreds of birds and an early sell-out on what we have now, this operation will definitely grow in 2024.

Only 1 more month to go and we will be getting eggs from our 75 young hens! Our current production will grow X6. With increasing demand for our eggs, we are counting down the days.

Not only is our garden flourishing, our offerings are growing and our veggy order numbers are increasing each week! This has led me to start crunching numbers to assess the feasibility of a greenhouse (a real one,0 not a discount one), so that we can get growing a lot earlier (and not in my foyer) plus offer other experiences at the ranch (stay tuned!!).

We were thrilled to get a visit from Bernadette Jounot, Rob’s mémère who is in her mid-nineties. She got the grand tour through the chicken fence and it was nice to see her smiling. I guess you can never outgrow that joy that animals can bring to you!

Our ranch family will grow again as we prepare to welcome guests to the ranch over the next 2 weekends for our Berry Picking and Breaky experience!

I try to keep my thoughts positive during this reflection process. But I couldn’t help shed a tear when I thought about the boys and how little time they spend at ranch these days. Having grown into teenagers now, I guess the draw of friends, lake life and part-time jobs is outweighing time with chickens, turkeys, gardens and parents. Although I understand that this is a natural part of children growing up, and I am very proud of how they are growing up to be responsible, independent, young men, I still crave their company and I miss that feeling of being needed.

My thoughts then turned to how much the ranch has grown in just 3 years, and I know that everything that we do here will be there for the boys when (and if) they are ready.

Oh shoot, gotta run!! My turkeys are up on the deck, pecking at my back door looking for me….. I guess that I am needed after all….


What I learned about picking raspberries.


More chicks, getting online and the snakes made me do it.