Our first garden.

At first when I was a little kid, I thought that large scale farming was the only way to grow food. But then, I found out that pesticides are used on the crops to make the bugs stay away and fertilizers to make the plants grow quicker and that the soil gets tilled. At Boreal Ranch, we plan to plant our plants in non-tilled soil and not use pesticides or fertilizers. A good way to know if your garden is not tilled is that when it rains, the grass or cover crops will soak up the water and there will be no topsoil runoff. If you want to learn more, check out these movies: Kiss the Ground, the Biggest Little Farm and the book The Market Gardener by Jean Martin Fortier.

Just this week we planted the first ever plants at Boreal Ranch : lettuce, radishes and arugula. The soil was prepared by cutting the grass, scraping a little bit of grass off the top and adding topsoil. I am excited to share our plants with the community.


Lesson learned…


The transformation begins.