Finding new growth.

Spring has always been a very magical time for our family - the flowering of the fruit trees, the birds reappearing, the frogs waking up, and the perennials in the garden popping up…

Still fresh in my head (and in my nose!) is the memory of me and the kids coming home after a hectic day in the city. Car windows would start rolling down as we approached the house and I would stop the car beside the blooming plum tree at the beginning of the driveway to take in the beautiful, sweet, fragrant scent (which I can’t even find the words to describe). If I could find a way, I would have bottled that scent. I admit that I felt a little disappointed that I would not experience that scent this spring, but I didn’t let it get me down. Every time I drove down the gravel roads near our new property, I kept my eyes peeled for a plum tree in bloom. And, low and behold - I found one! (What you think about, you bring about). Although the scent was not as strong and I didn’t have the kids with me (it’s rare that we are all in 1 car together these days!), I immediately felt more relaxed and present, just enjoying the moment. I am grateful that these trees survive our Northern climate – we will definitely look into ordering some for next spring.

I also felt a longing to be in my perennial flower beds. To walk them everyday and see what’s popping up, to spend a therapeutic evening ripping out weeds and to feel the satisfaction of seeing those first colorful blooms. I was able to salvage some perennials from the cabin so I dug up a nice spot close to the new house and started a small flower bed. After planting some daylilies, monkshood and irises, I decided to put my days of fighting off the deer behind me and committed to myself (and Rob) that I would only plant flowers and perennials that deer tend to avoid. This will be an exercise in discipline and restraint as I usually wind up falling in love with beautiful but delicious options. It was thrilling to see the first blooms popping up at our new house - a sign of new growth, new challenges and new possibilities.


My first trip to the ranch..


Lesson learned…